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Access Control &
Intruder Alarm

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Access Control is an electronic key, that provides building access through the office and warehouse doors, pedestrian gates, and vehicle barriers.

The future of Access Control Systems are bluetooth-mobile enabled technologies and biometric devices such as facial recognition.

With mobile Access Control Systems, you now have the ability to manage and secure your site and premise from your mobile device - anywhere and anytime. 


Let Custom Technology Systems consult with you to secure your business with the latest and most advanced secure technologies to ensure you're protected at all times.

Alarm & Access Control

Intruder Alarm

Arm and disarm areas of your building using a smartphone from anywhere, at any time.

Say goodbye to shared PIN codes and alarm keypads. Instead, activate the alarm securely from your phone. Set the Late to Arm notification so you can be sure your business is secure, even when you’re not there. Use Bluetooth to arm your site locally when internet connectivity is unavailable.

Access Control

Lock or unlock doors using a smartphone, or a SMB Key Fob Tag.

Configure the doors to be locked 24/7, requiring users to request access at the reader,

or set a schedule for when doors should be unlocked.
To enter through a locked door, a user must request access by holding their phone to the reader.

As a business owner or site manager, unlock doors remotely from your smart phone if you are not

on-site for visitors or contractors needing to gain access.

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User Management

Add, edit or remove an unlimited number of users.

It's simple and easy to add, edit, and remove users, and manage exactly which parts of the building they can control – even temporary users like contractors and cleaners.
You’ll be able to see who has activated the alarm or requested access at doors viewing the history log.


Don't waste your time on multiple apps or racing around town to lock the doors and set the alarms.

If you have multiple businesses, buildings, offices, warehouses - simply manage the security of multiple sites from one single app.
Easily move and switch between different branches of your businesses, or buildings within the app.

This is an effective and efficient way to keep on top of all your properties and ensure they are armed, and secure at all times. 

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Receive real-time alarm notifications of incidents and if needed, request a guard to visit your site.

You’ll get notified as soon as an alarm is triggered and receive clear details about what is happening on your site. You’ll then be able to decide whether to silence the alarm and close the incident – if you know why the alarm went off – or request a guard to check out the situation first-hand.
If you miss the notification, the system can automatically call a guard for you.


Third-party Monitoring

Opt for a third-party monitoring company to manage any security incidents that occur.

If you don't want to receive the notifications, have a monitoring company keep tabs on your premises and attend for you.

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Biometric Access Control

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Facial Recognition

Biometric Access Control

Facial Recognition terminals for contactless secure access control and security. No more access cards required to enter.



Biometric Access Control

Frictionless Hand-wave readers provide access control and time and attendance for ease of access and security.

Biometric Access Control Systems are the most secure Access Control technology available.

Whether you're using facial recognition, or finger print, or hand readers. Faces, and finger prints are unique to individuals so only they can be granted access.

Complement biometrics with access cards or pin codes to create two-factor authentication.


In a Covid world where organisations and people are concerned around hygiene, biometric devices such as Facial Recognition and Morphowave Hand-Wave readers can create a contactless entry into the facility. Meaning staff do not need to touch surfaces to enter.

Ready to find out more?

Custom Technology Systems Ltd invites you to contact us for free consultation on your security system needs.

Our industry experience, training, and manufacturer relationships position us to best help you serve your requirements.


Customised Solutions - Smart Solutions

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